Parking and Traffic Safety
Drop Off/Pick Up
Student Supervision begins 15 minutes before the first bell. Please do not allow students to arrive earlier than 9:00 am.
Student safety begins with you! During drop off and pick up, please follow the rules below to ensure that all students are safe at all times.
- Adults stay in car at all times. If you need to assist your child getting in or out of the car, you will need to park rather than use the drop off/pick up lane.
- Students are ready to exit. Have coats on and backpacks/lunches nearby when you leave your house rather than waiting until it is time to exit.
- Say your "Good byes", "I love yous" and reminder of the pick up plans as soon as you enter the parking lot/loop.
- Drive slowly. Plan your drop off time so that it allows for traffic. If you are on a tight schedule, taking the bus, walking or riding with a friend is a better option.
- Engage civilly. Moments of frustration are bound to occur. Remembering our Culture of Kindness and our District's Civility Regulation are important.
- Drop Off Zone. Only drop students off in the drop off zone at the front of the school. Please pull all the way forward. Exit only on the curb side so as not to enter the traffic lane.
- Parking Spaces. If walking from a parking space, use the crosswalks and follow the directions of the supervising adult.
- Line up Area: Use the sidewalk to quietly walk towards the bus loop and to the back of the school. Classes will have line up areas clearly identified on the blacktop.
Bicyclists and scooter riders must:
- Wear a helmet – it’s the law;
- Dismount and walk bike/scooter on the school grounds for the safety of those on foot. Pedestrians have the right-of-way;
- Park and lock bike at the rack located at the school.
Walkers must:
- Cross at the appropriate crossings and follow the directions of the school patrol,
- Dispose of all trash properly;
- Stay on the sidewalk and walk directly to and from school;
- Be alert and aware of bicyclists/scooters on the sidewalk;
- Safely walk and watch for turning vehicles when crossing side streets;
- Walk with other students.
Vehicles must:
- When in pick up/drop off lane, remain with vehicle at all times;
- Follow Creekside’s drop off procedure.
- Vehicles are not allowed in the bus loop.
Thank you for keeping our students safe!